Monday, November 26, 2018

Yoga-saadhana by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Yoga-saadhana  by  Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Krishna emphasized how all beings in the world remain constantly active,being firmly under the grip of Nature. Thus, to pursue saankhya vidyaand to be a Knower does not mean to be idle or to shun activity on thatscore. On the other hand, the Knower pursues his activity, likeeverybody else, often to a greater degree, but with enlightenment,dis-identification and the additional benevolent note of loka-sangraha.


Karma, instead of posing any contradiction or hindrance, verily becomesa harmonious complement to spiritual wisdom, and vice versa. Therefinements and sublimation that Knowledge brings about are so closelylinked to efficient action that the entire active life can be used as ajnaana-based pursuit for the purification of the personality.


Krishna describes the true effect of yoga as renunciation. The wholeobject of yoga-sadhana is to take away all results in the way of goodand bad, virtue and vice, heaven and hell. In fact, all dvandvas standabandoned or transcended by dint of yoga outlook.


Yoga-attitude or spiritual wisdom will completely eliminate all the`dual' consequences of whatever one does. Abandonment is not ofthe actions themselves, but only of the dual effects they produce on ourmind.


Saadhana means consistent effort, practice and pursuit. Consistencymeans being given to the task assiduously again and again. Thusrepetition cannot be avoided.

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