Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Strength - Points from Vedanta Kesari (June 2012)

When an organism loses all its inherent strength and immunity to face life, it ceases to exist.

Life or living and strength are synonyms.

The crowning glory of all forms of strength is the strength of character or inner strength.

Atmana vindate viryam (Kena Upanishad 2.4) - Through the Knowledge of Self comes strength. Atman, the divinity present in all beings, is the ultimate source of all strength. All other forms of strength are derivatives of that Eternal, Ever-lasting Strength called Atman.

The more one comes nearer to one's inner core, the atman, the stronger he becomes.

Know that all sins and all evils can be summed up in that one word, weakness. It is weakness that is the motive power in all evil doing, it is weakness that is the source of all selfishness, it is weakness that makes men injure others; it is weakness that makes them manifest what they are not in reality. Let them all know what they are; let them repeat day and night what they are. Soham. Let them suck it in with their mother's milk, this idea of strength -- I am He, I am He. ... Swami Vivekananda

What makes a man stand up and work? Strength. Strength is goodness, weakness is sin.

It is the weakness, says the Vedanta, which is the cause of all misery in this world. Weakness is the one cause of suffering. We become miserable because we are weak. We lie, steal, kill, and commit other crimes, because we are weak. We suffer because we are weak. We die because we are weak. Where there is nothing to weaken us, there is no death nor sorrow. ... Swami Vivekananda

A wicked person is full of materialistic desires and adopts all unfair means to fulfill them. ... But, do the good people have he same degree of strength to practice their goodness as the wicked! 

It is the greatest manifestation of power -- this tremendous restraint; self-restraint is a manifestation of greater power than all outgoing action. A carriage with four horses may rush down a hill unrestrained, or the coachman may curt the horses. Which is the greater manifestation of power, to let them go or to hold them? A cannon-ball flying through the air goes a long distance and falls. Another is cut short in its flight by striking against a wall, and the impact generates intense heat. All outgoing energy following a selfish motive is frittered away; it will not cause power to return to you; but if restrained, it will result in development of power. This self-control will tend to produce a mighty will, a character which makes a Christ or a Buddha.

Non-resistance is the greatest strength. In meekness and mildness lies the greatest strength. In suffering is greater strength than in doing. In resisting one's own passions is far higher strength than in hurting others. And that has been the watchword of the race through all its difficulties., its misfortunes and its prosperity. It (India) is the only nation that never went beyond its frontiers to cut the throats of its neighbours. It is a glorious thing. It makes me rather patriotic to think I am born a Hindu, a descendant of the only race that never went out to hurt anyone, and whose only action upon humanity has been giving and enlightening and purifying and teaching, but never robbing. ... Swami Vivekananda

By combining some of the active and heroic elements of the West with the calm virtues of the Hindus, there will come a type of men far superior to any that have ever been in this world.  ...  Swami Vivekananda

Even the least work done for others awakens the power within; even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart the strength of a lion.   ...   Swami Vivekananda

The only religion that ought to be taught is the religion of fearlessness. Either in this world or in the world of religion, it is true that fear is the sure cause of degradation and sin. It is fear that brings misery, fear that brings death, fear that breeds evil. And what causes fear? Ignorance of our own nature. Each of us is heir-apparent to the Emperor of emperors; we are of the substance of God Himself .... Then the world becomes a playground where the Lord is playing like a child, and we are His playmates. His fellow-workers. ... Swami Vivekananda

Let the aspirant study as he can, master the subjects, but after having become a great scholar, let him renounce desires and try to live upon the strength which comes from knowledge. ... Swami Vivekananda

Thou art Energy, impart energy unto me. Thou art Strength, impart strength unto me. Thou art Spirituality, impart spirituality unto me. Thou art Fortitude, impart fortitude unto me. ... Shanti Mantra in Upanishads.

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